Arthur Christmas (2011) 720p Telugu Dubbed Movie Free Download & Review
Christmas Eve, 23:00. A team of elf commandos target a city. They enter a house through the windows, the catflap and - yes - the fireplace. They drop the presents, crush the tarts and leave. Christmas was militarized. In Aardman's second film, Santa Claus (Jim Broadbent) is a figurehead, while his eldest son, Steve (Hugh Laurie), an espresso technocrat with a goose-shaped goatee, took the reins. Arthur, the youngest of the Claus, really cares about a merry Christmas, and when a gift gets lost, it is Arthur who gives himself the mission to deliver it. The beautiful scenario is wrapped in layers of meaning - inter-family conflict, complacency and competitiveness - and under the wrapping of Pixarish, it's just fun. A happy and simple Christmas movie with a sincere message.WHAT PARENTS MUST KNOW
Parents need to know that Arthur Christmas is a comforting animated holiday adventure that is a good choice for the whole family. A brief scene of a group of frightened wild animals and another of an angry owner wielding a firearm can frighten very young children, and there are some jokes directed at parents - as when Grandanta explains that "in the old days" a double whiskey to an elf. But otherwise this British animator film behind Chicken Run and Wallace & Gromit provides a good reminder of the holiday spirit, family unity and generosity. Families who do not celebrate Christmas should know that history has no religious connotations; the focus remains on Santa Claus and his family.
Arthur Christmas (2011) 720p Telugu Dubbed Movie Free Download & Review
Do you think the Christmas season is stressful for you? Try to visit Claus's house around the holidays.
That's not all milk and biscuits and ho-ho-hos at the North Pole. These hundreds of millions (billions?) Of gifts are not made and packaged and distributed by themselves. No, it takes work. It takes precision. It takes about 15 quintillions of elves who have to fight 30 lower temperatures and cope with a sun that has been AWOL since early October while ensuring that 12.3 million Kevins find a copy of Modern Warfare 3 under the tree.
Forget the sled: Santa Claus and a division of elves are wandering in a monstrous and ultra-fast spacecraft that makes our space shuttle look like a fruit fly. He is directly connected to the control of operations at the North Pole, where the brilliant and ambitious son of Santa Claus (and presumed heir to the Clausian legacy) clicks into the night with paramilitary precision - stopping only to take a quick espresso . Each gift certificate is timed to the millisecond, each emergency situation is traced and schematized. It's an operation that turns to military green, the kind of innovation that would make Apple's leaders cry in Cuppertino.
Of course, an operation like this does not come without cost. Santa (more a title than a name) loves his job, but he seems to have moved away from his own family. And although he is more a figurehead than a true CEO of Santa Claus, he refuses to pass the reindeer reins.
It's not so good with Steve, who has been Santa's right-hand man for ages. He was responsible for the Christmas Eve operation in the 21st century. He runs Christmas: It is high time that he adorns his rooms with the benefits that should go with the responsibility.
Arthur's second son, meanwhile, is trying to stay out of these family feuds. He is simple, clumsy and with wide eyes. He has a heart for the season and a love for everything his father represents. "He's the best man of all time," says Arthur. And he thinks so.
Then a foggy Christmas night, the unthinkable happens. A child does not receive his gift - a beautiful bike that she asked for in a letter written on construction paper. For Steve, missing a child is not a big deal, a microscopic spot on an otherwise perfect operation. But for Arthur, it means that somewhere, a little girl loses faith in Santa Claus. And Christmas.
He just can not let that happen.
Arthur Christmas (2011) 720p Telugu Dubbed Movie Free Download & Review
Arthur Christmas is not intimidating. He is not good. The elves make fun of him. But what distinguishes him is his incredible and irresistible kindness. He loves Christmas and he loves his family who, within the limits of this film, are close to being one and the same person. While the rest of his family is bickering and bickering, Arthur (with a hiccup of exception) clings to his wonder.
"If we all came to the spirit of Christmas, it would be chaos!" Steve gasped. And he's right. Arthur embraces the spirit of Christmas and brings chaos in its wake. But chaos or not, it's great that this modest guy becomes the improbable hero of the movie. It's not like he was given superpowers on the way, or if he had incredible skills to discover. No, his superpower is his kindness, compassion and even concern, which translates into an unwavering desire to fulfill each child's Christmas dreams.
It's interesting to see how Arthur and Steve react differently to the girl who did not receive a gift. For Steve, it's "just a child," a number, and statistically insignificant. For Arthur, the child is of paramount importance: there is no "just a child ... a child has been missed! Arthur laments in the corridors.
Arthur Christmas, in his own way, deals with other important issues: Santa Claus has a hard time knowing when to leave. Grandsanta wants to prove that he is not an old crazy idiot, that he is still relevant. Steve tries to balance his ambition with the respect of his father and, ultimately, the spirit of the season. The themes are quite ripe, in fact, while the Christmas season always seems to make us feel young again, this movie can make some of us feel our age. But that will not prevent us from being reinvigorated by watching these fallible clauses find some redemption in the end - finding the happiness of knowing who they are and where they are in life.
Not to be too spiritual here - it's not a particularly spiritual film - but Arthur's attitude towards this child who was skipped evokes the primacy that each of us finds in the eyes of God. There are about 7 billion of us now. And each of us is important. We know it hurts him when one of us "misses" the gifts He offers.
Still, those looking for the "real sense of Christmas" will be disappointed by this movie. The Clauses trace their ancestry to the original Saint-Nicolas. The girl without a gift lives next to a beautiful small town English church. We sometimes hear bits of spiritual Christmas carols. But that's about all.
Arthur Christmas also stumbles by basing the Christmas reality on Santa's current delivery system. A former elf, for example, tells the last time that Santa Claus was spotted (in 1816) and had to hide. There has been no Christmas for six years, he recalls. When it seems like the disaster has hit again, the elves literally push the panic button to the North Pole - a button that will destroy operations there and six Christmas in the foreseeable future. The work of Santa Claus makes or breaks the holidays.
Now this has been a trope of cultural Christmas stories since at least Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, and it's not like I was expecting every secular manifestation of the holiday at, A Charlie Brown Christmas, Whipping a Bible and start talking Nativity. Still, is not there something wrong with putting the whole holiday on Santa's shoulders when Christmas was way before St. Nick's, and that would be worthy of celebration even if none of them we only had one cane?
After Santa's return from a successful Christmas getaway, two elves kiss each other. Some might conclude that the elves lurking are men ... but we learn later that all elves, whether male or female, like to keep their hair cut short and wear the same androgynous outfits.
Some people are attacked by lions. We do not make fun, but the scene is quite threatening. Arthur and his friends are shot with a shotgun. A sled exploded. A jet fighter is attacked with fruits and chocolate. Reindeer are violently disconnected from a sled by entering the atmosphere. We hear about hypothetical beheadings.
The characters argue with each other. Someone is hitting a tree. Grandsanta arrives in a garbage can. A Chihuahua attacks a slipper (on someone's foot). Arthur slips on the ice and stumbles on the elves' workstations. A huge inflatable Santa is mowed down by a sled.
An "h ---" almost indistinguishable.
Grandanta says that when he was giving away gifts, he never worried about waking children: a sock full of sand and a "little bit of whiskey on his lips" was enough to calm the child, he said.
Grandsanta likes to be bleeding. He makes fun of Santa Claus, calling him a "postman with a spaceship". He tells Steve that he will have to knock Santa off before he can get back to work. "At least having the decency to end us with a rock," he told Arthur during the lion's attack. Steve is seen with a spoonful of bird droppings on his shoulder.
An elf, armed with a device that detects if a child has been "naughty" or "nice," teases the score of a naughty child with his own store of kindness. Arthur and Grandsanta sneak out of the North Pole. An elf maintains that "children are stupid".
Arthur Christmas was written with the cynic in mind. This is for children who can not understand how Santa delivers gifts to Toledo, Tokyo and Timbuktu in one night. It is for the children who have seen that even the supposedly best of adults do not always act admirably. This is for children for whom this "magical" period of the year sometimes feels a little less than. He tells these children that even if things are not perfect, even after your mother and aunt quarrel while Monopoly or dad eats Santa's Christmas cookies, there's always something special about the season.
This particularity is embodied, of course, by Arthur Christmas - a clumsy, clumsy, kid who answers Santa's letters to him. He knows the elves are making fun of him. He knows he will never be as cool or efficient as his big brother. At one level, he knows he is a disappointment to his father. And yet, he puts all this aside because he believes in the true goodness of Santa Claus. It is Arthur's admiring optimism - and, frankly, the sense of forgiveness - that carries this film. Arthur does not spend much time worrying about what his father thinks of him. As long as Santa cares for the kids, that's all Arthur needs.
When Santa lets Arthur down, it's still a brutal blow. Indeed, our hero almost gives up on his quest to "save Christmas" for the little girl without a gift. But then he has a revelation: it is not about Santa the man, but about Santa the ideal. Santa Claus is bigger than any fallible father. And as long as this ideal remains true and pure, the gift Christmas spirit survives.
It is a salient message that we must teach our children, I think, who have observed moral or spiritual leaders stumbling and falling. Our faith and integrity should never be pinned to people, but rather to principles.
Of course, Christmas should not be pinned to Santa either. But you already knew it.
Arthur Christmas (2011) 720p Telugu Dubbed Movie Free Download & Review
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