Jallikattu issue has caught the attention of the national media, with the agitation of the Tamils. All Tamil celebrities pledged their support to Jallikattu. Surprisingly Trisha who was a supporter of PETA (people for the ethical thought of animals) initially objected
Jallikattu. As the problem became serious, she has changed her position claiming that her Twitter account has been hacked. He closed the account later. Upon reaching the present, Trisha is supporting Jallikattu and she has distanced herself from PETA.
Responding on this issue, PETA spokesman V. Manilal has criticized Trisha for supporting Jallikattu. He hit her saying that this contradicts his love for dogs and pets. He also clarified that Trisha was never a brand ambassador for PETA. She is the second celebrity after Suriya is criticized by PETA for supporting Jallikattu.
When Suriya criticized PETA for targeting Jallikatttu, the animal rights advocate group responded by saying Suriya using Jallikattu's subject to gain publicity for her latest film. In response to her allegations, Suriya gave a legal notice to PETA and Sorry, unconventional.
Jallikattu. As the problem became serious, she has changed her position claiming that her Twitter account has been hacked. He closed the account later. Upon reaching the present, Trisha is supporting Jallikattu and she has distanced herself from PETA.
Responding on this issue, PETA spokesman V. Manilal has criticized Trisha for supporting Jallikattu. He hit her saying that this contradicts his love for dogs and pets. He also clarified that Trisha was never a brand ambassador for PETA. She is the second celebrity after Suriya is criticized by PETA for supporting Jallikattu.
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