Reports from Pawan Kalyan 'Theri' Telugu remake firm surprised the fans. Why, Dil Raju has released the dubbed version of this Tamil movie in Telugu States with the title of 'Police' last year. They believed that this could be true, because even the upcoming release of actor 'Katamarayudu' is a remake of 'Veeram' which was christened Telugu as 'Veerudokkade'.
Fans, however, were disappointed with the choice of Powerstar scripts in the recent past. They even labeled Pawan Kalyan with the message "Makoddu Ee Remake Lu".
Sources close to the actor say, Pawan Kalyan has not signed 'Theri' remake at all and is not even considering any proposal. He, however, pledged to make a film for Mythri Movie Makers and Santhosh Srinivas 'Kandireega' fame is one of the directors in consideration for this biggie. This project can go to the floors only after the 2019 elections.
Fans, however, were disappointed with the choice of Powerstar scripts in the recent past. They even labeled Pawan Kalyan with the message "Makoddu Ee Remake Lu".
Sources close to the actor say, Pawan Kalyan has not signed 'Theri' remake at all and is not even considering any proposal. He, however, pledged to make a film for Mythri Movie Makers and Santhosh Srinivas 'Kandireega' fame is one of the directors in consideration for this biggie. This project can go to the floors only after the 2019 elections.
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